10 Easy Ways to Show Up as a Business Owner - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


10 Easy Ways to Show Up as a Business Owner

Everyone has a different view of what success is. Some want to wind up wildly famous and be chased by adoring fans through the supermarket. Others believe success is making enough money to be comfortable while doing work they love.

Whatever your version of success looks like, the basic strategy to get there as a business owner remains the same – show up.

Show up in your business consistently, doggedly, and relentlessly, whether you feel like it or not.

Show up when you feel like an enormous imposter; show up when it’s raining and you’d much rather stay in bed; show up when you feel imperfect and uncertain.

Showing up in your biz can be a mind fuck at times, especially when you’d rather bury your head in the sand (or snuggle up under the covers), but it doesn’t have to be hard.

Here are 10 easy ways to show up to help your biz blow up!


10 Easy Ways to Show Up as a Business Owner

1. Network

Want your biz to be noticed? It’s not just your customers you need to connect with. Never underestimate the power and potential of building an authentic network of like minded professionals.

Join relevant professional groups online, reach out to people you respect in your industry, and attend local events with fellow business owners. The pool of support, expertise, talent, and contacts you will find via networking is invaluable.


2. Help Out

If you are feeling a little jaded with the constant selling, take a step back and refocus on the ways you’re helping people. Donate to a local charity or get more directly involved with a cause you care about.

Offering help to others not only does good in the world, but it also makes us feel good. Plus, using your business to support others gets your name out there and creates all kinds of warm fuzzies about your brand.


3. Level Up Your Business Owner Skills

Whether you have been a business owner for 10 years or 50, you will never know everything there is to know. There will always be opportunities to expand your knowledge and deepen your expertise.

When you level up your knowledge, your business levels up too. Take a course, read books about your industry, attend a seminar, or learn a relevant new skill.


4. Share Your Expertise

Now that you are an expert in your industry, it’s time to flaunt it! When people recognise your authority in a niche, you will get more traffic and potential customers, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

You could do this by:

  • writing guest posts
  • guest blogging
  • creating an ebook
  • answering questions in online forums
  • appearing on a podcast
  • creating a course
  • hosting a webinar/seminar
  • speaking at a conference


5. Stay Visible

As a small business owner, if you are out of sight, you will quickly be out of mind.

You need to show up where your audience are again and again. Post on your chosen social media channels, send out your email newsletters, publish blogs, create videos, interact with your followers, and work that marketing plan!

Don’t just do it once and expect miracles to happen. You need to show up on a regular basis to remain current and engaged with your audience.


How to show up as a business owner - Natalie Tolhopf6. Nurture Connections

You have done all the hard work to attract and convert your existing customers, so don’t neglect them as you head off and hunt for a shiny new audience!

Keep on engaging with your audience and building those relationships. These are the people that can become your biggest fans and most loyal customers, but you have to put the work in to nurture those connections.


7. Cross-Promote

Partnering with another business owner to promote each other is a great way to boost your brand and expand your reach.

Is there someone in your network (but outside of your niche) that you share customers with? You could partner up to cross-promote each other’s services or create complementary offers.


8. Be Consistent

Success doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a result of showing up consistently day after day, year after year, and refusing to give up on your business because you believe in the value you offer.

Make a plan to post regularly on social media and your website, send out those newsletters, make those sales calls, show up at networking events, and do it without fail.


9. Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

If you are bored with your biz, chances are your customers are too. Maybe it’s time to do something different – that thing you have always thought about trying but were too scared to do.

Change up your interactions and trim the things that aren’t working or aren’t that popular. The answer may even be to go big: write that book, launch that new product, or do something out of the box that makes your audience sit up and take notice.


10. Invest In Yourself

Trying to show up every day in your business can be tough, especially when you are going it alone.

Investing in a business coach is one of the best ways to stay motivated in your biz. You will have someone in your corner to point out your blind spots, offer advice, hold you accountable, and push you outside your comfort zone.

If you want someone to lovingly kick your butt, cheer you on and help you to take action in your biz, then book a free discovery call with me today. It could be your first step towards the success you have been dreaming of!

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