The Modern Business Woman Is Afraid To Sell. - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


The Modern Business Woman Is Afraid To Sell.

The modern business woman is afraid to sell.
In case they come across as *gasp just wanting your money!

Or being too pushy. There is this whole wave of attraction marketing which in theory ROCKS. Until that same biz lady never shows you her menu, does amazing FB lives, newsletters and posts…But if you want to work with them you literally have to search with a massive spotlight!

Or when she does sell it is in such a weird way you wonder if her account has been hacked!

The change I want to see, is women being empowered to drive their business from their knowing. Knowing is being confident with their skill, their messages, their way of delivering, their way of structuring a biz model. Being happy about regularly reviewing their biz and changing what is needed…by their energetic intuition. When women come from this place, they can see that they are being of service, therefore it is WEIRD if they don’t sell you their next programme or offer.

It is time for the modern biz women to make their path to customer very clear. People have a tsunami of blocks anyway and usually a lack of time. So it is important to follow up, show up, show how you can help and where to start. Before you can do this you require clarity around what the fuck it is you actually do AND how that will help me. Being too fancy or clever just confuses people.

If you want to sell more….Wait for it you have to sell more. To get comfortable with sales, you need to sell. Such a dilemma right! NO! Just make sales an everyday activity and it will naturally come about.

Just like starting out in the gym and you use a set of muscles you haven’t ever used…It can feel so crazy weird, uncomfortable and you feel like a dork. This is normal – and great at the same time. Because you get to work on your stories, blocks and BS all while selling. Cool huh!

How do you become inspired to sell?

Connect in every day to WHY your prospective clients need your services, share a message from the heart.

Do it every day. Start simply by connecting your FB post with a natural and obvious call to action.

Read all the past reviews and emails of thanks and feel that. Power up that you are and have been of service and by not sharing…You are denying helping someone!

If you don’t follow up, show up every day, make the process easy, simple and a no brainer, then that potential client will go somewhere else. Now that is inspiring to at least open the door and invite them in!

I am inviting you to be one of the 10 spaces available. 
This invitation is to come and experience Version 3 of my new membership site.
Now called ‘Sell With Confidence’
Because this IS what it does.

The opportunity to spend summer with me…Actually three months to be precise. And use the summer to drive your biz….Not slow it down.

Look, I know that the kids are off school and you will be on holidays (well for some of the time) but the problem that business women encounter is taking their foot off the peddle….Dropping the hula hoop and having to spend the WHOLE of Feb and March  finding the momentum again.

And that is tiring. Not kick arse which is what I know you want and can be!

The only criteria is that you are an action taker and problem solver.

The Sell with Confidence system will take you through a process to build ALL the foundations you need to get out there and sell. It also includes how I personally market and drive my social media.

This isn’t JUST another programme nor is it for the faint hearted. It will ONLY work if you do the work, take the action (imperfect of course!)

It is imperative I connect with you first to see if this system is actually going to help you!

If it sounds like something you would like to hear more about it then click below to book a 30 min session to chat. 


Learning the REAL daily actions that will create momentum for you to be of service. If this sounds like you….

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