Effective Sales Strategy | Sell With Success Natalie Tolhopf



Sell With Success

Build lifelong skills that will keep bringing a ROI. Quit the excuses, get outta your comfort zone, and become a ricin’ sales machine!


My kick-ass six month group programme to transform how you feel about selling and help you to get bloody AMAZING at it.

Hey amazing you.

I see you there. Busy doing all the things in your business. Filling your days with client work, content creation, fiddling with your website, and procrasti-scrolling…

Doing all the things except the thing you’re trying your hardest to avoid:


Because truth be told it gives you the heebie jeebies and total I’d rather stick pins in my eyes” vibes. Am I right?

Tell me, do any of these resonate?

You feel like you don’t know HOW to sell and you’re confused about where to start.

Selling feels awkward and tacky. You don’t want to be perceived as pushy, so you avoid sharing your offers with anyone.

You’re busting a gut to create content and be visible everywhere. But you can’t figure out how to convert followers to clients. Why the hell aren’t they buying??!

It feels like a huge dent to your ego when people say no, so you avoid having sales conversations and hide behind your social posts and sales page.

You’re overthinking your money making ideas and sabotaging your cash flow.

Babe, I want you to know it honestly doesn’t have to be like this.

It’s time to get unstuck and get the sales you deserve AND desire.

Because you CAN learn the skills and effective sales strategy to build the confidence to flip your internal sales script to:

I freaking LOVE SELLING!


Wouldn’t it be great to feel this way about selling, ALL the time?
This is exactly how SELL WITH SUCCESS will help you.

Steal my
Sizzling Sales Sauce
Sell With Success brings together my juiciest, highest-converting sales knowledge and techniques that I’ve tried and tested in my biz over the past 5 years with success.

Not only that, the content I share inside Sell With Success is also the same sales magic I share with my 1:1 clients who have achieved kickass sales results in their businesses too.

It all starts with mastering your sales mindset, then creating your unique sales flow, plan, and system. Giving you the confidence to get in front of potential clients and sell in a way you love, over and over again.

Have we met yet?
I’m Natalie Tolhopf.

Mindset motivator, butt-kick facilitator and bad-ass cheerleader for high-achieving women in business.

I’ll teach you how to drop the self-sabotage and learn to sell in a simple, no fuss way, that not only fills you with confidence, but turns you into a selling queen.

I’ve helped 100s of women to bust through their sales mindset blocks, start selling with greater ease.

Now it’s your turn.

The question is, are you ready to smash your sales goals?!!

Why do I care so much about helping women to sell?

Because so many women find it friggin’ hard to put themselves out in the world and ask for the sale.

Look I totally get it. I’ve been there too. We get caught up in all sorts of mindset junk that holds us back from making the kind of money we’re truly capable of achieving.

If we want a financially thriving business that supports our family really well and enables us to make a bigger impact in society, we MUST get comfortable with selling.

It’s not about being pushy or sleazy, it’s about learning the skills to create your own personal sales system that feels good to you, where you can keep your integrity intact, and finally learn to love selling.

When that happens, it literally transforms businesses and lives.

What’s inside Sell With Success?

Everything you need to set up your simple personal sales system, master the skill of selling, and confidently increase your revenue.

It’s a simple, step-by-step sales process you can take and tweak as your own.

Just Imagine

Being able to turn your small email list into buyers, without feeling like you’re being annoying and spammy.

Being able to sell and convert new clients on calls or via chat, without feeling pushy or awkward.

Being able to turn existing digital products and services into sales, without needing to make more stuff.

Being able to master your success mindset so you can go after and achieve your sales goals, without apprehension.

Are you ready to become a badass sales star?

Here's What's Inside
Sell With Success

Your six-month pathway to conquer your fear of selling
and start seeing the sales results you want.

A comprehensive and supportive group programme with live training, coaching, and action-taking (and plenty of no BS, Nat-style straight talking!)

What you’ll have access to:

The Sell With Success
Training Hub

Everything you need to crack your unique sales code and shift into your high vibe selling energy.

With six modules covering everything from money mindset to sales conversations and creating hot leads, you’ll learn the simple sales systems and processes that have worked both in my business AND in my clients’ businesses.

The Sell With Success Training Hub gives you a solid blueprint to follow, and teaches you the vital steps to focus on to create more sales with ease and flow.

When you join Sell With Success you get Immediate access to all the curriculum content: Sales training videos, worksheets, audios, and more!

Sales Motivation

Strengthen and flex your sales muscle with my weekly audio recording: The Sales Butt Kick.

Simply download and listen to it on the go for your firm but kind, motivational sales pep talk for the week!

You can access them anytime while you’re in the programme.

Monthly 60-90 minute (approx)
Group coaching call with me!
Our monthly group coaching sessions are power packed!
  • Live training
  • Coaching
  • Q&A time

Plus my eyes and feedback on your work.

It’s bound to be the highlight of your month!

Even if you don’t have a question, there’s SO much value in attending these calls because others will ask Qs that are relevant to you.

Group coaching is a fantastic way to grow as you listen to others being coached through their questions.

Recordings of each coaching call are added to the Training Hub and can be accessed anytime while you’re in the programme.
Sell With Success
Jump into our private Sell With Success members only Facebook community.

Get to know others who are experiencing similar business challenges, cheer each other on, and get answers to your pressing – can’t wait until our next coaching call – Qs.
Get to know your way around

When you join Sell With Success you’ll get access to ‘start here’ information and can book into one of my group onboarding sessions so you know what to expect and are set up for success.

My aim is to make it clear and easy, and for you to feel fully supported every step of the way.

Wouldn’t it be great to feel this way about selling, ALL the time?

Sell With Success

Sell With Success is a framework that guides the content I teach within the programme.

Module One:
Sales foundations
Selling from your integrity really is the secret to sales success. You don’t have to feel yuck about it when you position your work from a place of attraction. In this module we look at your sales belief, your money mindset, and you get to create your own personal selling boundaries and values.
Module Two:
Creating revenue flow
In this module we’ll create your own simple sales ladder to build trust, increase value, and boost sales from repeat clients. This gives you clarity on how to nurture your clients towards the offers that are right for them one step at a time.
Module Three:
Offers that sell
In this module we’ll create your own simple sales ladder to build trust, increase value, and boost sales from repeat clients. This gives you clarity on how to nurture your clients towards the offers that are right for them one step at a time.
Module Four:
Creating hot leads
Lead creation doesn’t have to be a big deal, it can be done simply. I use a signature system called “low hanging fruit” where you can follow up with integrity and confidently lead new people down your sales funnel without feeling yuck!
Module Five:
Sales system
This is where you start mapping out the details of your sales plan. In this module you’ll figure out exactly what you’ll launch (or have on offer) and when, so you have a solid sales system to follow on repeat that’ll generate consistent sales actions.
Module Six:
Sales conversations

This is where sales gets super exciting because there are some simple yet powerful steps you can take to sell with total confidence and not sound salesy.

We cover selling via DMs and chat, how to create powerful CTAs, how to lead a sales conversation, how to follow up, and more!


Word on the street...


Seen Enough?

Feel like this is exactly what you need?

Jump in now!

Easy Pay Plan

12 x monthly payments of
$125 USD
12 x monthly payments of
$215 NZD

Six Month Plan

6 x monthly payments of
$225 USD
6 x monthly payments of
$380 NZD

Pay in Full

Single payment of
$1200 USD
Single payment of
$2000 NZD

What kind of results can I get?

In full transparency you’ve got to be willing to take what you learn, get outta your comfort zone and put it into imperfect action.

There’s deffo no overnight success promises here!

Results always vary from person to person. However, results from past clients who worked with me on their sales include:

A marketing agency added another $1500 to their monthly revenue without compromising capacity and without delivering any more 1:1 services.

A consultant who doubled sales from $7k to $14k.

An accountant/financial coach who transitioned from doing the ‘numbers work’ to coaching and empowering women in biz while selling her new service out in one week.

An interior designer was over-thinking her work and was stopping cash flow coming into her business. She took action and got paid within four hours

A health coach didn’t have any sales coming in, so she made some direct offers, booked four sales calls, and converted three of them.

Sell For Success
is right for:

Are struggling to make sales or who feel like their sales have plateaued.

Want a simple sales system, not a complicated and convoluted process.

Want support to nail their sales skills and bring in more money.

Are ready to take imperfect action and turn their learning into $$$.

Sell For Success
is not right for:

Product based business owners.

Aren’t ready to take imperfect sales action and learn by doing (over and over again.)

Would prefer 1:1 coaching to improve their sales mindset, systems, and techniques.

The question is…

Are you ready to put your stake in the ground and make big sales shifts in your business over the next six months?

Without complicated funnels or spammy sales techniques. And with me showing you the way?

Still got Qs?

I’ve got the As…

Just do both because any time spent with Nat is epic! You can do a hybrid of programme and 1:1 so hit Nat up about this.

Don’t worry babe. All calls are recorded and will be added to the Sell With Success Training Hub. If you have a question you want answered you can submit it prior to the call and I’ll answer it during the coaching session for you to watch back. 

Sell With Success has been designed so you don’t have to go it alone. I know how bloody scary putting yourself out there and selling can be, so I’m here (along with a community of like minded women) to support you and cheer you on. The combination of practical sales training content, coaching, opportunities for Q&A, and the chance to have your work reviewed, means this is way more than a course. I’ve created it this way to set you up for success. I’m here for you babe. I really do give a stuff about you getting results – but let’s be clear that you’ve got to take imperfect action and put in the work to see the results.
While we have a private Facebook group to connect with others who are on a similar journey, I do want to make sure you spend more time DOING the work, than chatting in the Facebook group! I plan to be in the group a few times a week, responding to questions, but won’t be there monitoring and responding to questions every single day.

Sorry, but there are no refunds for this programme.

If you’re showing up and doing the work, but you’re not seeing any change in your results, reach out to me. We can jump on a call together and brainstorm what might be getting in your way. No charge.

Of course babe! You can book a chat with me here.

Are you ready to?

With my savvy sales expertise helping you along the way?

In the form of juicy sales training content, impactful coaching, a community for support, and (loving) butt kick motivation?


If it’s a big F Yes! to everything above…

Let’s get the sales party started!

Easy Pay Plan

12 x monthly payments of
$125 USD
12 x monthly payments of
$215 NZD

Six Month Plan

6 x monthly payments of
$225 USD
6 x monthly payments of
$380 NZD

Pay in Full

Single payment of
$1200 USD
Single payment of
$2000 NZD

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