One Simple Change That Can Boost Your Revenue - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


One Simple Change That Can Boost Your Revenue

As businesswomen, we all know too well that running a business can be bloody complicated.

But not everything has to be hard slog!

If something comes onto your radar that can boost your revenue quickly and effectively without a ton of extra work, grab that gift horse by the reins and gallop baby!

I know… many people judge success by how damn hard they had to work to get a result. But come on, stop making life more difficult than it has to be.

Get smart and take the easy wins where you can.

How can you do that? Read on and I will tell you the one simple change you can make in your business that will boost your revenue.

One Simple Change That Can Boost Your Revenue

Make It Easy

One of the simplest moves you can make to get results is to pluck the low hanging fruit.

If you haven’t heard about this strategy, it’s as straightforward as it sounds. Instead of expending energy and expense by figuring out ways to climb to the top of the tree and get the fruit dangling way out of your reach, simply stroll under that tree and grab the ones within reach.

In business, this translates to targeting the people that know your business and what you are about. They interact with you, are interested in what you do, and already have a good idea of your brand, products and services.

Converting these consumers is much easier than going after the “cold traffic,” the people who know nothing about your business yet.
If you have a good old brick and mortar location, the people that pass by your store every day are also ripe for the picking!


Boost your revenue the easy way - Natalie TolhopfWhat It Looks Like

Let’s compare it to dating, for a moment (ugh, I know, but bear with me).

Imagine there’s a lovely person you have had your eye on for some time. You’ve bumped into each other at a few parties, smiled at each other at the grocery store, and have heard a little bit about each other through mutual friends. There’s clearly a connection of some kind.

Converting this semi-shared history into a successful date should be relatively straightforward.

But what if you glimpsed the love of your life as they walked past a shop window and decided to try to woo them? Propositioning them on the spot would be weird.

You would have to invest time and energy into being in the same place at the same time, come up with the best love letter ever to sell yourself, or stalk them on social media.

That’s a lot of effort for someone you’re not even sure wants what you have to offer!

So, your best strategy for rapid sales growth and minimal effort is to target people who are already familiar with your business.


How Do You Target Them?

How exactly to target those juicy, low hanging fruit and boost your revenue?

Remember, these are the people following your social media channels, signed up to your email list, visiting your website, and popping into your stores. They already know who you are.

So, use marketing funnels, email newsletters, special offers, and social media marketing to engage with them and keep them coming back. Special offers for repeat customers, exclusive opportunities, and add-ons are all valuable tools, as is retargeting your online audience as they browse.

Have you just realised you have been working too hard to attract new customers, neglecting those that are ripe and ready?

If the answer is yes, it’s time to sit down and come up with a plan to grab them before someone else does!

Fortunately, I can help you develop that plan. Book a time to chat now and we can get that revenue rolling in!

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