How to sell daily without feeling sleazy or pushy- Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


How to sell daily without feeling sleazy or pushy

Episode 32: How to Sell Daily Without Feeling Sleazy or Pushy

Hey there, welcome back to the Sell With Confidence podcast! I’m Nat T, and I’m here to spill the tea on how to sell without feeling like a sleazy salesperson. Let’s dive in, shall we?

The Truth About Sales

Listen up, business needs cash to run, and that means we need to sell! But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be icky or pushy. In fact, sales is a crucial part of customer service. It’s about offering solutions and guiding people to make decisions that benefit them.

My Daily Sales Habits

Here’s a sneak peek into what selling daily looks like for me and my clients:

  • Talking to past buyers: Reaching out to people who have already bought from you is a fantastic way to test new products or services. They already know and trust you, so it’s a low-pressure way to get feedback and potentially make some sales.
  • Ascending current clients up your ladder: Offer your existing clients ways to upgrade or continue working with you. This could mean offering a new package, a VIP program, or even a team-building workshop.
  • Keeping your pipeline moving: Don’t be afraid to email your leads and potential clients an offer. It’s better to get a “no” than to have the wrong people stuck in your pipeline forever.
  • Emailing your database: Your email list is gold! Reach out to them regularly with offers, updates, and even just a friendly hello.
  • Following up: Following up is a crucial part of the sales process that many people overlook. Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale or to follow up if you haven’t heard back.
  • Invoicing: Don’t forget to actually ask for the money after you’ve gotten a ‘yes’! Send out your invoices and make it easy for people to pay you.
  • Providing excellent after-sales service: Once someone has bought from you, continue to provide excellent customer service. This will help build loyalty and encourage repeat business.

More Tips for Selling Daily

I’ve got even more tips to share with you! Here are a few more ideas to get you started:

  • Reach out to past clients: Send a quick email to people who bought from you 6, 12, or even 24 months ago. Just check in, see how they’re doing, and let them know what you’re up to now.
  • Use social media strategically: Add a “PS” to your social media posts with a clear next step, like “Let’s chat!” or “Book a free consultation.”
  • Offer free next steps: Sometimes, the next step might be a free one, like a consultation or a discovery call. That’s okay! These free steps can often lead to bigger sales down the line.

Grab My Free Download

Want even more tips on how to sell without feeling sleazy or pushy? Click here and grab my free download, “12 Tips For Selling Daily Without Feeling Sleazy or Pushy.”

Remember, selling doesn’t have to be hard or uncomfortable. With the right approach, you can sell with confidence and integrity. So get out there and start making some sales!


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Hey, welcome to the Sale with Confidence podcast. I’m Nat T, your host, one of New Zealand’s top sales and mindset coaches. Let’s get into it.

Idon’t know what episode number this is. If you’re wanting to know that kind of stuff, I’m not there to support you. All I know is this is a really super cool episode. I was gonna make it a sales slap, but actually it needs a little bit longer.

So here we are, how to sell daily without feeling sleazy or pushy.

So you’re in the right place.

If you’re not already making sales, what are your daily habits? If you’re one of my clients listening, I will find you. No, I’m just joking.

We all actually need a reminder.

You know of that and what it looks like but here’s some fundamental truth is that business requires cash to run it right and actually the dictionary meaning of a business is you know providing a service or product in exchange for money and the overall outcome of the business is to make impact but most importantly to make profit, even not-for-profits have to make profit in order to put it back in to help more people so this is why we’ve got to make sure that we’re actually doing this work.

So business requires cash to run it and you can actually do that in various ways, right?

So you can stack your cash.

It’s a catchphrase and that kind of means you can have a pay in full discount.

So you get lump sums of money coming in or you can have those payment plans.

And so you can inject cash and stack cash quite differently but either way to generate cash you need to be able to sell and it’s actually one of the underpinning areas that a lot of people do need help with is how to sell and then kind of go, you know, how to do it every day.

And listen, I love sales because it’s got a bad rap, right?

You don’t want to be seen as selling, you don’t always want to sell on your social media, you know, but actually a lot of sales happen behind closed doors.

And I didn’t realize just how easily I understood sales because I’ve come from a hospitality background.

The only way for a hospitality business to stay in business is they have to sell every day.

They have to present people with options and then come back and take the order.

It’s as simple as that.

And yet an online world or particularly service-based businesses And women, they tend to kind of shy away from it, where actually sales has been a full service.

It’s part of your customer service journey, where you come back and you get someone to make a decision.

And we want to do it with integrity, right?

And that’s one thing I teach in my sales foundations.

Your own sales guardrails, like how do you want to sell?

And, you know, we’ve all been part of that kind of icky cold DMing shit and that hard sell.

Like, I can’t believe people still do it.

But they might message 100 people a day and maybe get, don’t know, one.

But it’s not how I like to teach.

I think there’s a lot of stuff you can do before we do what we call cold calling or cold outreach.

It feels a little bit yuck like that.

So people need to stop doing that.

You know, I think there’s just, yeah, we need to get over there and I need to get over talking about that.

So if you want consistent cash flow you need to be consistently selling.

There’s you know another way to reframe that you can be simply offering people that next step.

So being of service and some people will want to take that next step and some people won’t right and that’s okay the people who aren’t ready might wait until next time you come back around.

So just remember it’s like when your waiter comes and they say are you ready to order and you’re like oh my gosh no. You know that waiter doesn’t fall on the floor and cry and go “it’s because you don’t like me”.

They simply just come back and they go “are you ready now?” and you’re like “yeah I am”.

So selling daily is just simply reminding people what the next step is and then putting your offer out there.

So literally showing people how they can work with you and put it in front of them.

You know like offering a dessert after the main course for example.

So, selling daily isn’t just popping up a buy this post either, you know, as part of the many touch points.

So here’s what selling daily means, or is for my clients and myself.

So this is what I do.

This is why, you know, some of the stuff I get my clients to do is go and talk directly to people who have already bought from them.

I’ve got a client at the moment who’s got a super exciting new author.

And it’s quite, it’s really new for her to be offering it, but she’s going to be amazing at it.

She’s just a gun.

And instead of doing what we think we should do and going straight out to social media and be like, hey, you want this thing?

And we hear crickets and then we feel stink and we think there’s something wrong with our offer.

Actually going to selling first to people who already know, like and trust us, who already have bought from us and say, hey, I think this is the next thing you will need with some of the problems that you’ve spoken to me about.

So that’s a really powerful way to test a new product in particular, is going directly to people who you think would need it and have already bought from you.

Another sales activity a day that we often use is offering existing clients a way to ascend and keep working with you.

So very much for me, a client will work intensively with me over a period of time.

And then for the next duration of another year we might work together in a less intensive capacity but we’re still working together.

So where can you keep bringing them up to work with you and have this beautiful retention?

It’s a really cool way to sell and we sell up our ladder or down our menus. And keeping your pipelines moving so your leads or your customer or your prospective customers actually moving through your pipeline.

Some people are scared to email their database where their pipeline might sit because they’re worried that people will say no.

Well actually for me,  I’d rather people say no I don’t want to work with you and get the hell out of my pipeline.

Like I just want to know where you’re at so I want people to get to a decision and that’s kind of where that nine word email comes from as it can help shift people through your pipeline to come and work with you or not.

Sometimes it’s just about having some courage and it’s then the courage and confidence gets you to disconnect from you know sometimes people will just rely on social media posts to do the sales work but actually that’s your marketing which helps with sales right but actually the selling does require a more direct approach.

So some of the other things we do so other you know I’ve got here like eight other things you can do for selling daily and again it’s like you know make a list of all the people who have bought from you before like six months, 12 months, two years and actually just each day email one person and get into a conversation You know, and your only intention from this is just to remind them what the next steps are.

Like, how does someone work with you from now?

What are you up to now?

And I think that’s something that we can forget, you know, we could be doing quite a few things differently that our past clients just don’t know that we’re doing now.

So remember when we’re emailing, we want to be in a conversation so it’s much more digestible.

Some of us have this tendency to like lob these hefty fucking emails out there and then be like oh no one responded and it’s like yeah because they had to make a fucking cup of tea.

Speaking of tea I’m just going to have a gulp.

They had to have a cup of tea to read your freaking email because it was so long.

Like get it to be more digestible and a little bit more bespoke and direct.

So the second thing to help you sell daily is obviously social media does have its place.

So in all of your social media posts, I have always said to my clients just add a simple kind of PS next step approach like here’s the next step if this resonated, and sometimes I forget to do this on my own but most of the time I’m like hey if this resonated with you I want you to do something about it – Let’s talk. So it’s just giving the people who are ready that permission for those next steps.

The third thing is  to remind your current client what else they can buy from you.

I kind of already said that, but for my clients, I get them to what else they could work on, come to the yearly retreat, but also if they have a team, how I can work with their teams and personally develop them or do sales training.

Some of my clients, I’m actually part of their end of year marketing and business planning, which is really, really cool, right?

So there’s other ways in which people can work with me.

Again it’s the sending them up and not enough people are talking to their current clients or creating offers to look after their current clients.

So I’m a real fan of, and this is number four, don’t worry I’ve got a handy dandy PDF link that you can get these.

I think by the time I finish with you there’s going to be like 13. 13. Ways to how to sell without feeling pushy and sleazy.

So in this podcast episode on the kind of show notes on my website, there’ll be a link to come and grab it.

So come and grab it or message me and I’ll send it to you.


Number four, emailing your database at least once a week with an offer.

Otherwise, why are they on your list?

Like for me, You either know you’re going to buy from me in the future or you’re just liking my stuff and you’re never going to buy from me, but I just want to know what you’re doing.

You know?

So I’m always going to email my list quite regularly because I’m like, hey, you’re on my list.

You want to hear from me?

If you don’t hear from me, unsubscribe.

Really, detach from those unsubscribes.

It’s just people simply leaving your shop.

And because here’s the thing, I know a lot of people actually write to the people, like they write to the people who leave their list like they’re so scared to annoy people and piss them off that they then dilute their voice and then aren’t really talking directly to their ideal people.

So please stop doing that.

Number five, your next step may be a free one, but still put it out there.

So you might be like, oh, I’ve got a next step, but it’s a free one.

So for example, If you come to a paid workshop or you see me speak, I might say to you, hey, come and jump on a 30-minute call with me and it’s free, right?

But that’s the next step to come to work with me.

So sometimes your next step might be a free one.

That’s okay because if you have got your sales letters correct and your sales process down, you’ll know that that free step It’s actually moving towards a bigger sale so stay cool till after school with that, it’s totally fine.

Number six.

Starts with F. It’s not fuck, it’s follow up.

Still, not enough of you do this.

It’s a hugely underutilized part of the sales process.

A lot of people piss around and get fluffy.

And you’ll notice that when I talk about sales, it really needs some directness.

And that’s not rudeness.

That’s actually being a leader.

So all the way to like, you want me to take your order?

So, you know, get really direct and lead the conversation and just ask them if they’re ready, that’s it.

Now, number seven is a pretty funny one.

How to sell and how to get some more cash in the door is, can you invoice?

It’s actually a bit of an eye-opener the amount of people who don’t finish the sales process and they might have someone go, they go, yeah I’m in And you and then people don’t send them the buying link or the invoice and it’s like hey actually getting the money is the aim of the game so remembering to invoice and ask for the money is part of that sales process and so it is quite eye-opening.

Excuse me, how many people actually don’t bloody do this?

Number eight is the after sale.

And you might be like, oh, I didn’t think about that.

And I’m like, yeah.

So, you know, once someone starts working with you, continuing that great customer service, so it doesn’t stop once you’ve got them in the door, making sure you have a really nice onboarding system that makes them feel really valued and keep checking in on them that first kind of couple of times at the beginning is really important because that’s where that kind of buyer’s remorse and they might feel like it’s the wrong decision.

So yeah, just making sure you’ve got a really nice after sale service is an essential part of your sales as well, right?

Because we want people to stay and we want that retention.

I just want you to know that sales doesn’t have to be so freaking hard and that when you put yourself out there and just ask for the sale, it’s not about being pushy or sleazy.

It’s actually being of service and you learning the skills to create your own personal sales system that actually feels really good for you.

So you keep your integrity intact and that you really love to sell because you understand that sales has been of service.

So you did it, well done.

How to sell consistently without feeling sleazy or pushy.

And I’ve got that handy-dandy download for you to grab.

So come to the show notes or message me and I will give you all of the tips.

I think there’s 12 actually that I covered, the three that my clients do a lot and then the other eight.

So yeah, hit me up.

I want you to get up there and truly commit to yourself.

What would it feel like in your business if you did do a sales action each day?

Because that incredible compound effect of this is really, really powerful and it’s creating that beautiful sales momentum.

Anyway, queens, you’re amazing.

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Anyway, you guys are amazing.

Catch you later.

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