Can your business pay the mortgage? - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


Can your business pay the mortgage?

Meet Amanda ( A client of mine!)

Amanda is a creative.
Her hobby was fast becoming in demand.
She was a genuine clever cookie and so talented.

Converting her garage into a work room and workshop space…She quickly launched online.

Can your biz pay the mortgageAnd just as quickly she became overwhelmed.
By the competition.
By the sipping pina coladas, passive income promise of the internet.
By all the things she ‘should’ be doing.
By her ideas.

She wanted to leave her part time job.
But felt stuck because she needed more time.
And terrified of how to pay the mortgage.

Amanda worked with me over 6 months to clearly define a business model…That suited her. That she felt powerful to run consistently.
One that made her money, to pay the mortgage.

Her hobby business quickly boomed and supplemented her partime job.

Today people travel to her shop as a destination point.
Amanda worked through her mindset of driving actions from reacting to her competition.
She gained focus using and believing in her own intuition.
She put herself out there online, and paid for advertising.

Amanda went from wanting to throw it all in and get another job – to just hiring two part timers for her own biz! Awesome!

Can you relate to Amanda?
Is your crazy creative mind causing chaos?
How about having business growth like Amanda?

If you are ready to stop doing it alone and ready to get some help, then book in a time to talk with me.

Let’s see where you are at, where you want to go and if I can get you there.


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