If you aren’t a Suits addict, then none of what I have to say will make any sense!
It is the New York skyline at night that I find alluring. But mostly it is Harvey Specter who has me sitting up and listening…Perhaps it is the well cut suits and the chiselled features…Let me digress for just a second..I kinda like that he is a bit rough..You know ‘normal’ not your traditional hollywood stunt man glam. Anyway back to whole point of this post….
Channelling a Harvey Specter attitude could be just what you and your biz needs. A bit of “What if there is a gun to your head” there is always a way out.
A way to keep going.
To win.
You can win.
The sheer confidence of the man is enough to have you convinced. But it isn’t even that…It is the passion, conviction and 100% ALL IN confidence that this character literally oozes.
That he thinks outside of the box.
I mean the law has rules, heavy regulations but with some creative thinking, there is always a way through. That never say die attitude. Looking at the problem with 3D glasses. It is almost like he breaks the rules thens rewrites them.
But the biggest takeaway for me….He doesn’t work alone. Look I know he thinks he does and he certainly is the expert and leader. But he has a great team around him…And that is fucking legend.
You are nothing without a cheerleader, an assistant, a mentor. Without them you can’t get all Litte up!
He is unapologetic about how sure and willing he is. This could and can be mistaken for arrogance… But it is his fierce devotion for his love of the law that drives him.
I ask you today ladies and gentlemen of the jury…Where in your biz can you channel a lil bit of Harvey? Where can you stand strong with conviction about what you stand for.
Because it is these qualities that he displays everyday, every time and unapologetically that help him to achieve his goals.
“When your back’s against the wall, break the god damn thing down”
If you are ready for the next step in your biz. You are done with learning and you are ready to OWN your shit. Take action and make MONEY in your biz. So that you can help more people…Then let’s talk. Otherwise keep walking the path alone. Push. Get tired and stop. Or come and align your action. It starts with your energy, your unshakeable belief….Thanks Mr Spector.
Click this link to channel Harvey Specter!
How to Channel Harvey Specter to rock your biz:
- Get that winning attitude.
- There is ALWAYS a way out & through.
- Be fierce & protect your values.
- Know what you stand for & WHY.
- Break the rules and make them work for you
- Never ever give up. Ever.
- See number one
If you think that someone else needs to know how Harvey can help them in their biz…Share this blog with them.
Nat x
Click this link to channel Harvey Specter!