How To Beat Your Fear And Sell With Confidence - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


How To Beat Your Fear And Sell With Confidence

Some people crawl out of their skin around spiders, others get the jitters from heights, and some people even flee from beautiful butterflies!

We all have things in life that scare us, whether it’s logical or not.

How To Beat Your Fear And Sell With Confidence - Natalie Tolhopf Business CoachIn business, one of the scariest things for a ton of people is selling. You may handle everything else in your business with confidence, but when it comes to actual sales, you are suddenly avoiding, procrastinating and experiencing hot flushes! If this sounds like you, you need to keep reading.

I’m going to share my top ways to empower yourself around selling and get you into a confidence mindset. Let’s do it…


How To Beat Your Fear And Sell With Confidence

Define Your Fears

Just as your dressing gown draped over a chair can look like Freddy Kruger in the middle of the night, fears take on a variety of terrifying forms until you shine a light on them.

In your case, we want to shine a light on your fears of selling to reveal what’s really going on – because “newsflash,” it’s often not what you think it is!

We are going to use our favourite tools of journaling, meditation, mindfulness, or nutting it out with a mentor or trusted friend to get to the bottom of it.

Are you afraid of the feeling of rejection? What does that mean? Does it lead to bigger fears of inadequacy, failure, or something else? Maybe you are scared of being disliked and appearing pushy.

Whatever it is, spend time unwrapping and examining it.


Adjust Your Metrics

If your fears are based around the number of “No’s” you are getting, there’s a simple way to reframe it. Life as a business person or entrepreneur is going to be filled with people saying “No.”

If you are focused on only counting the “Yes’s,” you can quickly become down and anxious about selling.

Build confidence by turning your goals around. Instead of aiming to get five sales in a day, aim to make 20 sales calls or send 10 email pitches a day. You will be working on your fear of sales while still achieving your goals and taking the pressure off the result. Plus, you can remind yourself that every “No” gets you one step closer to a sale!


Build Confidence By Connecting To Value

The uncomfortable part of selling for many people is the perception of being pushy, flashy or fake – even if that’s not who you are. If this is one of your roadblocks, you are looking at it from the wrong angle, babe!

You aren’t trying to sell sacks of wool to sheep farmers. When you are doing business right, you’re matching your invaluable products and services with customers and clients who truly benefit from them.

When you put it that way, no pushy sales pitch is needed. You simply believe in what you are offering, and show your potential customers how it can help make their life better!

When you find yourself nervous about calling, emailing, or meeting with a client, it’s time to revisit your purpose and give yourself a good, old-fashioned pep talk. Write it down if you need to!

Have the confidence that you are fantastic at what you do, you love what you do, and you really can help clients who are a good match for you. When you tap into that energy, the sales will come naturally.


There’s no shame in being scared of sales, but you don’t have to remain fearful. You have the resources in front of you to get out there and make all the sales you want. Read books from people who inspire you or watch TED talks to get you hyped.

If you are really serious about taking your business to the next level, then jump on a strategy call with me to get into that sales mindset today. Book a convenient time to speak now.

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