3 ways to keep cashflow smart this Christmas - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


3 ways to keep cashflow smart this Christmas

Do you remember last Christmas when you told yourself  “Next year I will be prepared in my business” ?

The holiday season is upon us but that’s no reason to stop investing time into your business to keep cashflow smart throughout the holidays.

You can continue to maximise sales throughout the holidays and all without any mental clutter.

Keep Cashflow SmartFirst, say no to any new projects, ideas (non-sales based), opportunities that require totally new systems, structure and time. 

We dread the thought of business FOMO (fear of missing out) but trust me, saying yes to everything will result in BS (bad sales).

Secondly, close the loop.

Now that you have committed to saying no to new things, you can use the time to become more efficient and finish projects that you’ve started.

Write down all of the open projects that are taking up your energy, and headspace.

These projects are the ones that hang about on your to-do list like a bad smell, week after week. The reason you’ve not completed those tasks might be because you find them boring, overwhelming or you just don’t know how to complete them.

Ask yourself, what can you delete from your to-do list, what can you delegate and what tasks can you automate so that once they’re done, you don’t have to repeat them?

Only prioritise tasks that generate income, or are a legal requirement, and hold off on anything that can be done in January.

Finally, be creative with your marketing.

What offerings, products or services you can re-bundle to create more money, in a way that requires little or no effort (other than being creative with how you market them).

Look at add-ons, up-sells or bonuses, then prepare your marketing to accommodate this.

Once you’ve got your business in good shape, and you’ve decluttered your mind – you can sit back, enjoy that glass of wine and the sunshine and breathe out!

If you would like to download my free printable ‘3 Ways To Keep Cashflow Smart This Christmas’ please click here.


If you are ready to invest in your business growth…Then it is time we spoke.

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