The best marketing hack I know! - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


The best marketing hack I know!

Episode 33: The Best Marketing Hack I know!

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Hey there, awesome people!

Today, I’m letting you in on my ultimate marketing hack. It’s so simple, yet incredibly powerful. It’s all about getting inside your client’s head. Sounds a bit creepy, but trust me, it works like a charm!

The S-Word: Specificity

Back in my hospitality tutor days, my students nicknamed me Mrs. Specific. I’d constantly push them to be more detailed in their answers, to show the depth of their knowledge – and you should do that too.

This same principle applies to marketing. Being specific sets you apart from the competition. It demonstrates your authority and expertise.

No Fluff: It cuts through the noise and shows your ideal clients that you truly understand their struggles.

Get Inside Their Heads

  • Forms & Surveys: Use forms and surveys to gather intel on your target audience. Ask specific questions about their challenges, pain points, and goals.
  • Active Listening: Pay attention to what your clients are saying in groups, forums, and social media. What questions are they asking? What frustrations are they expressing?
  • Empathy & Understanding: Put yourself in your client’s shoes. What are they thinking? What are they feeling? What keeps them up at night?

The Best Marketing Hack

  • Paint a Vivid Picture: Imagine 10 different scenarios throughout the day where your ideal client is struggling. Get super specific with the details.
  • Example: My client is sitting at her desk right now. She’s surrounded by papers, has 25 tabs open, and her forehead is in her hands. She’s just finished scrolling and seen a competitor’s post, and now she’s lost her mojo.
  • Connect on a Deeper Level: By understanding your client’s specific struggles, you can create marketing messages that resonate with them on a deeper level.

Address the pain & the block…

Once you understand your client’s pain points, identify the underlying problem.

Don’t just tell them about the problem; offer solutions that address their specific needs.

Example: Your client might be feeling overwhelmed and stressed because they don’t have a marketing plan. Instead of saying, “You need a marketing plan,” offer to create a simple plan for them and guide them through the next steps.

Now it’s your turn to become Mrs Specific! The more specific you can be in your marketing, the more you’ll amplify your expertise and attract your ideal clients.

Workshop Alert: I’ll be running a workshop on this in 2024. Keep your eyes peeled for it!

I’m so excited to see how you implement this marketing hack in your business! Share this podcast with your friends, and let me know how it goes.

You’ve got this!


Connect With Nat Instagram / Facebook / LinkedIn / YouTube

Hello, hello.

Welcome to the best marketing hack.

I know, I say that about every podcast episode.

You can’t see me right now, but I’m grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Maybe you can hear it in my voice.

I know, I’m excited about this episode.

I know, I said, every fucking time, .

But I’m excited about this.

The best marketing hack.

You’re gonna like, eye roll and probably message me and be like, for fuck’s sake, Nat.

But here’s the thing.

It starts with S. And the best marketing hack, and I use it all the time and I get feedback about it all the time, is it’s like you’re in my head.

So that’s what I teach.

I actually teach you how to get inside your client’s head.

So the best marketing hack is about Be as specific as you can.

Write the S-word.


Be specific.

So, I want to tell you a story.

Back when I… So, long story short, I am a chef by trade.

I did my apprenticeship here in Auckland three years, went overseas for 10 years, came back and had my first business, crashed and burned it.

Really worked out quite quickly what not what to do, so then became a consultant for hospitality businesses on what to do.

And I really miss the element of my business of working with young people and really helping them do really well in their careers.

So I became a hospitality tutor, so not a qualified teacher, but did have to go and do some study to become a tutor.

And I was able to teach to the level on which I am accredited, which is just a diploma level.

And so I went and taught the hospitality management diploma in a private tertiary educator and I loved it because I was able to bring, so I could bring the theory right, but I could bring the freaking engine room knowledge that a lot of these kids were missing.

So yeah we can learn a theory, I can be like you know we can learn what we think it is like to manage something in hospitality But actually hearing and learning from real life experiences really helped them get the concepts that we had to, you know, go through in the accreditation process, right?

And one of my ways in which I would get them to work hard at is, and they ended up calling me by the end of the term, and every cohort did this, it was so funny, is they ended up calling me Mrs. Specific.

Because whenever they’d bring me answers, right, to their like level five questions, I would be like, you’ve got to be more specific.

You can’t just give me, and it’s something that I’m teaching my daughter now who’s doing NCEA is because she wants to get excellences.

And I’m like, well, you have to show the depth of your knowledge, which means you’ve got to get specific.

And so I am known as Mrs. Specific and I’m annoyingly like that to my clients when We’re looking at their target audiences and when they’re writing messages and when they’re compiling offers.

What are the best ways, you know, and why is this so important?

Well, why is it important Nat, to be specific?

It actually sets your authority apart.

So, there’s lots of business coaches and I’ve chosen to niche into the type of person you are.

So, well done, you’re fucking awesome.

But, you know, you are a high achiever who, wants to be the best in your industry and does get caught up in some imposter and doubt and you’re an expert in what you do, it’s just getting you to be great at business, right?

So, to set myself apart from all the other amazing coaches, one of the ways I do that is by getting into my client’s head and understanding specifically their pain point, understanding

their blocks and their challenges. And then when I put my offers out there, or present something to them, it makes so much sense to them coz it feels like I’ve literally got in their head. So it sets you apart, it sets your authority and it shows your expertise and your skill.

And it actually removes the fluff.

So, if you can learn, it’s a skill that I believe you can learn, is if someone can read your work, read your messages, read your offers, and you remove the fucking fluff, and they see that you really understand where they’re at, and this is why it’s the best marketing hack, you’re going to bring

them To a sale closer, you’re going to bring them down your customer journey a lot faster because that know, like, and trust element happens very, very quickly, but the relatability happens even faster because you’re going to trust someone who’s like, listen, I know exactly where you’re at.

Exactly where you’re at. And that makes us feel really safe and looked after straight away.

And when you know where someone’s at, when you present an offer to people, because a lot of people’s buying blocks will be I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to have to work out what to cook, right?

So you could be a health and wellbeing expert and being like, okay, I want to help women lose weight.

And you’ll be harping on about all this other cool fluffy stuff, which is really important too, right?

Like, don’t get me wrong.

But if you don’t address the block of, I don’t want to have to think about what to eat with, I’m going to help you lose weight and I’m going to give you You know, your meal plan every week, so you don’t have to think about what to eat.

I’m like, oh wow, she knows exactly where I’m at.

And we can get even more specific than that team.

Like that’s just some surface level stuff.

So this is where I think it’s a great marketing hack is intimately understanding what your client is thinking.

There’s numerous ways to get this.

If you come to any of my stuff, I will usually send a form to give me some intel of where you’re at.

So for example, when I ran activate, This year, I’m actually running it again next year too, so that’s exciting.

I sent a form out to everyone who was coming along and asked them some questions so that I could deliver a great event, right?

I wanted to make sure that I was delivering what they were coming for.

But I was checking in that the challenge that they put in, that they had, actually matched the marketing I put out there.

Because that’s the thing, if you’re putting marketing out there, And getting people and they’re expecting a different outcome then we’ve got some marketing misalignment.

So sometimes putting a form and asking people what their challenges are helps back up your marketing.

Does that make sense?

So then I knew I was getting the room full of the right people so then I could come and double-wammy them and give them exactly what they wanted quite specifically.

But that intel also helps me then go okay I wonder what Other podcasts titles I could put out there.

What are some other workshops I should put together knowing some of the intel?

Finding specific pain points for your clients isn’t hard.

You can actually go ask them.

You know, it’s one of the fastest ways is, you know, going and finding and getting feedback.

Going into groups and going, what are you finding challenging?

You know, and giving some examples, so it’s often prompting people.

So that’s one way to do it.

And the other way is, because I believe That you know your client quite intimately.

You’re just not sitting down and taking the time to do it.

So I’m going to take you through some questions that hopefully will just… I usually go through a form in these 10 questions.

We’re not doing that today.

I’m just going to take you through a couple and I’m hoping that it’s going to help you.

So I’m just going to give you an example.

I’ve got one here where if I think of… So we’re going to get you to pick one current situation that your prospective client’s in.

So one situation and describe it.

And give some specific activities that your current client is thinking right now.

So I put down for my answer, so one current situation, describe it, and what some specific activities they’re doing.

So here’s my answer to this question for an example.

My client is sitting at her desk right now.

She’s surrounded by papers.

She’s got 25 tabs open.

She has her forehead in her hands.

A cold cup of peppermint tea.

She’s just finished scrolling.

She’s seen a competitor.

She’s compared herself.

And she’s now lost the mojo and doesn’t know what to do.

She jumped in this morning full of hope and she was going to get some work done.

And one of the biggest issues she’s got at the moment is that business isn’t working, it’s not generating revenue and she’s getting pressure from her partner.

And I can guarantee You didn’t get that specific in your question, right?

So I could go and write a post and be like, is this you?

Do you resonate with this?

There could be, you know, maybe it was going to resonate with all elements.

But they’re going to resonate with some of them.

But that’s the point.

You want to get as specific as you can, so you’re attracting that ideal client.

Because they’re ideal because you can hand on heart with confidence and conviction, be able to then literally help them.

You’re the best next step.

And that’s what’s really important.

And that’s where having this specific hat, becoming Mrs. Specific herself, is going to be really, really helpful.

So, when we find out the current situation, the pain, right?

So, like, she’s in pain, we then want to know what is the problem.

Now, some people will mark it the problem, but they won’t know.

So, for example, if a business… So, for this woman here, for example, her actual problem is that she doesn’t have a plan that’s working.

And she’s getting herself overwhelmed, right?

But I wouldn’t go market that first.

I’m going to be like, hey, this is how you’re feeling.

One of the ways in which we can help you is to get you planning better.

This is what it could look like.

So another example is a business owner with a marketing problem might feel You know, the pains of financial and stress and overwhelm, but we’re not going to be like, do you think you’ve got a marketing problem?

They don’t know they’ve got a marketing problem.

It’s like if you’ve got a sore knee, it’s because your back’s out.

So you’re not going to be like, come and let me fix your back.

You’re like, dude, it’s my fucking knee.

So this is where we’ve got to make sure that, and some experts do this where, because they’re too awesomely expert-y, that they’ll talk about the problem, but they don’t know they’ve got that problem.

They just want you to take the pain away.

And then we can solve your problem.

It’s a little bit like those wants and needs and I think that all of us can do it better and particularly my cohort clients where I will be like, let me jump on our group calls, I’m always like, okay, we’re gonna do some specific marketing things and you know, cue the eye rolls and that’s okay.

So, I think what’s important is that What I said before about people will have this pain but then they’ll have the block and so we they often won’t want to make a huge amount of changes so using that lady I’m gonna be I don’t want to overwhelm her and kind of try and shove down her throat

these you know you’ve got to do yearly planning and she’s already in overwhelm so you know we don’t want to do that.

So it’s about just offering her how your next step would be.

Let me write a plan for you for the next month.

I’ll give you my templates.

I’ll show you the next right steps.

I’ll walk you through.

Someone’s gonna be like, oh that’s so great.

Because I’m taking a load off her and not saying on top of your overwhelm I now want you to go and learn all this new stuff.

And she’s already overwhelmed with things that aren’t working.

So we’ve got to think about, okay what do they want right now?

And how can I make it easier?

So, another example of that, again, is thinking about… I’ve got one client who is wanting to help people with self-care.

So, we talked about, okay, what are some of the pains and what are some of the blocks?

So, their pains and blocks are, I have too much on, I feel overwhelmed, and I have no time for me.

So, if we say, well, I’m gonna show you how to carve out 20 minutes a day, Then they might be like, okay, I feel open towards that.

You know, they might be like, I’ve got another boring weekend planned and it makes me feel really unfulfilled.

I’ll be like, okay, well, I’m going to show you how to bring back fun in your weekend and not just for everyone else.

So it’s just really understanding that you can’t breeze past this ideal client stuff.

The more intimacy you can bring, the more Mrs. specific you can bring to your business, particularly for your marketing.

You’re really going to amplify your expertise.

So I’m going to be running a workshop on this in 2024. 2024. Keep your eyeballs peeled for it because it’s something that I want to help you work through.

I actually want you to get to the place where you’re really good at this.

So that when you go and launch, we put an offer out, you can quite quickly come up with 10 different current situations that your client is in right now.

So 9 o’clock, what are they doing?

12 o’clock, what are they doing?

3 o’clock, what are they doing?

10 o’clock, what are they doing?

And they’ll just be like, girl, are you in my head?

And you can be like, yes.

And, you know, instantly we have shortened down the selling time.


I have been wanting to share this with you guys for ages.

So share this podcast.

Let me know what you’re going to do about it.

Keep your eyeballs peeled for the workshop coming up.

You guys are amazing.

Catch you frickin’ later!

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