How to sell more than one thing at a time- Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


How to sell more than one thing at a time

Hey Sales Superstars! Welcome back to another slap of Sales Slaps with Nat!

Today, we’re tackling a juicy topic: How to sell more than ONE freakin’ thing at a time!

How to Sell More Than One Thing at a Time

Now, I know what you’re thinking… “Will I confuse my audience by promoting my workshop AND my 1:1 coaching at the same time?” Babe, the answer is NO!

Think about your favourite clothing store. They’ve got hats, pants, tops, the whole shebang! And guess what? You don’t get confused walking in there, right? So why would your audience be any different?

Here’s the deal:

  • Upselling is your new BFF: Someone buys your mini-course? Boom! Offer them your VIP mastermind.
  • More sales, More offers = more chances for your peeps to find the PERFECT fit.
  • Keep ’em coming back: Not ready to buy your group program right now? No stress! They’ll be back when the time is right.

This ain’t rocket science. Clothing stores do it, Amazon does it, even your local cafe does it with their muffins and lattes!

So ditch the fear and give your audience OPTIONS! They’ll love you for it.


Key Takeaways:

  • Don’t be afraid to sell multiple items: It’s not weird or confusing to customers. Think of a clothing store selling various items; it’s perfectly normal.

  • Benefits of selling multiple items:
    • Upselling opportunities: You can offer additional products or services to customers who are already interested in buying from you.
    • Increased sales: By offering a range of products, you can appeal to a wider audience and increase your chances of making a sale.
    • Customer retention: Even if someone isn’t ready to buy everything you’re offering right now, they may come back later when the timing is right.

  • Analogy of the clothing shop:
    • Customers are used to seeing a variety of items for sale and don’t get confused.
    • You can promote different products at different times without confusing your audience.
    • If someone isn’t interested in one item, they’ll simply move on to another.


Actionable Tips:

  1. Start selling more than one thing at a time!
  2. Don’t worry about confusing your audience; they’re used to it.
  3. Think of different ways to upsell your customers.
  4. Use email marketing or other channels to stay in touch with potential customers who aren’t ready to buy right away.


It’s perfectly normal and beneficial to sell more than one thing at a time. Don’t let fear hold you back from increasing your sales!

If this slap gave you a kick in the pants (in the best way possible!), hit me up on Insta, Facebook, or LinkedIn. I wanna hear YOUR success stories!

Until next time, keep slaying those sales goals!

Nat x


Connect With Nat Instagram / Facebook / LinkedIn / YouTube

Welcome to the Sales Slaps with Nat. This is your quick sales slap to get you back onto the field and playing a better game.

So what are we talking about today? What am I slapping you around the chops with? I want to talk to you about and help you reframe really quickly, how to sell more than one thing at a time.It’s so interesting. This is something that really trips many of my clients up.

They have more than one thing to sell, they’ll have their core offer, but they might have like a ladder or a menu of ways in which someone can work with them, and they can get a little caught up with, well, how do I sell one thing? You know, how do I sell more than one thing at a time without confusing the audience and without overwhelming myself? And I’m like, look, it’s pretty simple analogy here that I’m gonna share with you. I want you to imagine a clothing shop, either online or in person. They have a range of items that need to be sold at one time right? Hats, gloves, pants, tops, jumpers, even crazy accessories sometimes like candles and blankets. But you as the consumer don’t get confused, right? Like it makes sense that they’re going to do a promotion on hats and scarves because it’s getting a little bit colder for example.

So I want this to be your permission slip to go, you know what, I can sell more than one thing. It’s not weird. Clothing shops do it all the time. You know, someone might come in for a hat and they leave with a hat, a jacket and a pair of pants. So there’s real massive benefits to being able to sell a range of items. Now, if someone’s coming into your shop and they want to buy a hat and you’ve got a special or you’re promoting jumpers, they’re not gonna get confused. They’re either just gonna come in and get the hat, or they’re also gonna get one of the jumpers that are on special. Does that make sense? So you’re not gonna confuse them. And sometimes this understanding that what you’re trying to do, like sell more than one thing, already exists in a marketplace, you’ll see it’s not weird. Is this that you’re making it weird? And so I want you to think abou these three benefits that I think come with the skill of selling more than one thing, is that you have the opportunity to upsell.


So for example, I might go and promote for four weeks that I’ve got a workshop comigng up. I actually do have a workshop coming up. And you might come in while I’m selling that. I’m also going to be promoting that you come and work with me one-on-one because I’m getting into capacity and I’ve got to create a wait list, right?

SO if you’re someone who’s not interested in working with me one-on-one, youre just gonna dismiss that message and probably look at the workshop for example. So it’s not confusing you, it’s giving you that kind of that range again, like I said. And the second thing is you might want to come to my workshop and then I’m gonna say, hey, I’d love for you to come and jump on an express session and come and spend the day with me. So I’m starting to upsell you, by selling you one more thing.

So that’s the second benefit. And the third benefit is when you’re selling more than one thing at a time, even though someone might not be ready when you’re selling that one thing, so we’ll take it back to the clothing shop.

I’ve come in for a hat and you’re selling jumpers, or you have a special on jumpers. I might come and grab my hat and go, actually I do really want a jumper. The timings not right, so I’m actually gonna come back, which is why it’s important then that you give me another touch point, like get me on the email database of that shop, for example to be able to remind me that these jumpers are on sale.

So I’m hoping that the analogy of the clothing shop sells more than one thing and it’s not weird. You’re making it weird by thinking that you’re gonna confuse people with actually being very used to being sold to that way.

So I want to be your permission slip to start selling more than one thing at one time, which means you can promote your paid lead magnet, you can promote your paid service that comes after that because people are looking for different things at different times and if they don’t want that thing you’re offering, then carry on because that’s what they’re going to do.

So if you’ve loved this slap, give me a bell, a message on the old grammage or DM me on the old Facebook, or even chat with me on Linkedin but I don’t know. Are you feeling a little bit more confident and has this way framed helped you? Go you, know what? I can sell more than one thing. Let’s do it!

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