One simple way to improve your customer service - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


One simple way to improve your customer service

Episode 34: The ONE Simple Way To Improve Your Customer Service

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Alright, guys, let’s get into it. Today’s sales slap is straight to the point: the ONE simple way to improve your customer service is to actually sell. Mind blown? I know, right?

The ONE simple way to improve your customer service

But seriously, sales and customer service are like two sides of the same damn coin. They’re intertwined, constantly flowing into each other. You need sales to provide the after-sale care, to keep the client happy, and to get them raving about you to others. It’s a never-ending cycle, people! Like an infinity symbol! The most valuable thing you have is a lead – someone genuinely interested in buying from you. Treat them right, offer amazing customer service, and close the damn sale. Don’t be afraid to be direct! Here’s the thing: happy customers buy more. The better your customer service, the more likely that price sensitivity actually drops away. So, make that invitation to work together, it’s not pushy, it’s expected! In fact, it’s f*cking weird when you don’t…

The sales and customer service process

Let’s break down the sales process (which is just an extension of customer service):
  • Approach the client (make them feel welcome)
  • Discover their needs (listen and understand)
  • Provide a solution (offer what they actually need)
  • Close the sale (make the invitation!)
  • Complete the sale & follow up (keep the good vibes going)
Imagine going for a facial. You love the experience, you want to rebook, maybe buy some products… but no one asks! It’s frustrating, right? Don’t leave your clients hanging!

Complete the bloody customer service journey!

So, next time you’re chatting with a potential client, remember: closing the sale is just good customer service. Don’t be afraid to make the offer, it’s what they’re expecting! Alright, that’s your slap for today! Let me know what you think, and don’t forget to share this with anyone who needs a good Nat slap. Let’s go, team!

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Hey, welcome to the one simple way to improve your customer service.

Now cue some eye rolls because I think this is what you guys are going to do, because in today’s sales slap, we’re not going to bugger about.

We’re going to get straight into it.

But here’s the thing.

Here’s the one simple way to improve your customer service – is sell.

You might be like, what did you just say now?

Sales and customer service together?

Yes! Yes, Queen, I did.

Sales is customer service and I want you to think or imagine for me the infinity symbol so it kind of intertwines and it rolls over each other.

The whole symbol, it doesn’t stop, it’s never-ending, it flows around and into each other and conceptually that is what customer service is and within that kind of symbol and the flow of it, is sales.

You need the sales to then give the after sale, to then look after that client, for them to then tell other people to give good service and the whole thing flows back around.

Because here’s the thing, the most precious thing you can have is a lead.

So a lead is someone who’s really interested and they really want to buy from you and you really want to work for them and you end up working together, right?

You give them the best customer service which means offering to work together, so being direct, taking the order, being together and then after that sale happens you can continue giving great customer service, right?

So not just at the beginning but all the way.

And part of that is coming back around and potentially upselling, cross-selling and deepening your relationships.

Because what can happen is people can think that sales is pushy and it’s weird and they don’t want to do it, but in fact what can happen is because it is part of your customer service.

We can make the prospective client actually feel really weird.

So just bear with me for a minute.

So happy customers will buy more.

So the better your customer service, the more likely your customers or clients over time, their price sensitivity actually drops away.

So what does it really mean?

Sales is just customer service, right?

And it just means that making sure and inviting your people to work with you isn’t pushy.

In fact, it’s really weird when you don’t.

So I just want to quickly go over the five steps of a sales process.

So sales process now is part of your customer service.

So the five steps are we approach a client, we discover the client’s needs, we provide a solution, we close the sale which means we make an invitation and then we complete the sale and we follow up.

So the whole thing loops back around.

So I want you to feel the five steps in the eyes of a guest when we don’t do number four, closing the sale, okay?

When we don’t complete the customer service.

So the five steps through the eyes of a guest.

Number one, so we’ve approached the client and so they are like, oh, what a beautiful warm welcome, I feel really comfortable.

I’m gonna give you the scenario as if you’re in a beautician’s clinic.

So let’s say they’ve booked in to come and have a facial and so they feel welcomed.

They’re excited because they’ve got their favorite therapist who they’ve had before.

And then we’ve got step number two, discover the client needs, right?

So from the eyes of a guest, I’m feeling really heard and seen and safe with this therapist that asked me the right questions. I feel really relaxed.

And then, you know, number three, providing the solution from a guest’s point of view.

I might be wondering after the treatment how to get the same feeling and I start asking about the products and I think to myself, oh, I must ask the therapist.

I love the product smell, that’s amazing.

Now, what needs to happen in there from the salesperson is carry on the customer service conversation, right?

So, This is where the expectation of someone who’s gone, oh that’s amazing, that sounds really, that feels really good, that’s a beautiful invitation to like carry on that conversation afterwards.

So providing a solution.

So number four, closing the sale.

So imagine I’ve had my facial, I’m super thankful, the treatment was amazing, I want a book again and I also want to see the product.

But I feel a little bit funny going to the shelves in the quiet waiting area and the receptionist is on the phone.

So when I go up to make the transition and thank the therapist, I just make a payment.

I really want to book again, but now I’ve got my phone going and it’s my husband saying, what time are you going to be home?

I don’t get rebooked in and I didn’t get someone to show me the product because the therapist or the receptionist hasn’t closed the sale properly.

They haven’t finished the full customer service piece.

I mean, who’s offended when they go and have their bikini waxed and their therapist goes, do you want to rebook for six weeks time?

We’re so not offended.

We’re like, this is great customer service.

And then when we get the text reminder, like, hey, you’re, you know, your, Brazilians see you on Monday.

We’re not offended.

We’re like, this is really good customer service.

So sometimes what can happen is we can be so worried about how we’re going to perform through the sales process aka custom service, we actually forget what it’s like through the eyes of a guest and this is why we need you to see the whole system of sales or the sales process is part of a great customer service journey.

So you really need to come and do that four and five step, the close the sale, complete the sale and follow up.

It is such a necessary end part of the conversation.

So if you’re in the CEP and chatting to people and generating leads and in conversation, And you don’t come back around and really provide great customer service.

It’s weird.

It’s really weird for that client to be like, oh hang on, I kind of thought she was going to show me the product because I was really interested in it and I thought she was going to rebook me.

So how’s that for a slap in your chops?

So, Slappy Chops, I love to… Slappy Chops, sorry guys, I’ve just taken… dropped the tone.

Yeah, I’d really love to hear what you think about this and I wanted you to have that key reframe that’s going to really show… well, I really want it to help change how you approach and have sales in your business.

Like, it is just part of your customer service journey and I know that you want to give your customers the best and most epic journey ever.

Thanks for listening team.

You’ve officially been slapped.

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Let’s go.

See you later.

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