Three selling mistakes I see business owners making - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


Three selling mistakes I see business owners making

Episode 36: Three selling mistakes I see business owners making

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Buckle up! It’s time for a sales slap. 

Today, we’re diving deep into three common selling mistakes I see business owners making ALL THE TIME. Let’s get straight into it:

Mistake #1: Being Scared to Deepen Relationships

Listen, your current clients are GOLD. Don’t be afraid to nurture those relationships and offer them MORE. It’s all about that lifetime client value, babe!

Think of it like this: a lead is precious, right? So once you convert them into a client, why not keep offering them amazing things that help them grow? It’s a win-win: they get more value, you get more sales.


Here’s how it works in my business:

  • Someone might start with one-on-one coaching.
  • As their team grows, I offer team sales training.
  • I can also help with personal development and business/marketing planning.
  • I even run client-only retreats!

It’s all about deepening those relationships and helping my clients reach their full potential (and spend more, obviously, but in a totally ethical way!).


Key takeaway: Don’t be shy about offering your clients everything you can. If they’re not interested, they’ll let you know. No biggie.

Mistake #2: Failing to Resell to Past Buyers

Okay, this one might seem counterintuitive, but hear me out. If you run workshops or events, don’t forget about the people who have already attended!

“But Nat,” you say, “they already came to the workshop. Why would they come again?”

Because, my friend, sometimes you go to a workshop and only absorb a fraction of the information. There’s always more to learn, more to grow.


Think of it as a retention system:

  • You’ve already built a relationship with these people.
  • They know, like, and trust you (hopefully!).
  • They’re more likely to buy from you again than a complete stranger.


One of my clients is crushing it with this strategy. She’s filling 40-50% of her workshops with past attendees! And that momentum is fueling her fire to keep growing her business and getting new leads into her funnel.

Mistake #3: Not Being Direct

This one’s a biggie. You might be amazing at attracting leads and having initial sales conversations, but then you fail to actually ask for the sale.

WTH, right?

It’s like a waiter who never comes back to take your order. Awkward…


Remember the waiter analogy:

  • Waiters are direct. They ask, “Are you ready to order?”
  • They don’t take it personally if you say no.
  • They just move on.

You need to do the same in your business. Be direct! Ask for the sale!


Here are a few ways to do it:

  • “Would you like to get started?”
  • “Shall I book you in?”
  • “Hey [name], would you still like to work with me on [project/goal]?”

It’s not pushy, it’s just part of the process. And once you get that yes (or no), you can move forward.


Bonus Tip: Don’t be afraid to follow up, even if you get a no. There are ways to do it without being sleazy. (More on that in another episode!)


Now grab my download!

Want more juicy sales tips? I’ve got a Sell With Confidence Bundle that’s packed with checklists and resources to help you avoid these mistakes and boost your sales.

Check out here:

Get amongst it, team! And if you know someone who needs a sales slap, share the love.  Catch you later!



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Buckle up clowns, it is time for a sales slap.
I was gonna say buckle up bitches and then I thought that would be really bad.
Then I was like, Nat, what are you doing?
You always say crazy stuff like that.
So buckle up, whoever you are.
Let’s go on a sales slap today.
We’ve got three selling mistakes that I see business owners making.
So let’s just get straight into it.
The first one that I see is that people are really scared to deepen their relationships.
So for example if you’ve got some current clients then have a look at where you can be offering more.
So what’s really a key component for business is the lifetime value of a client.
So once you get someone in through your doors because a lead is so precious like a client is super precious that if you have a business model where you can keep offering them.
So once they buy from you, you can retain them and then keep offering some more value to them.
So up your sales ladder, they can grow with you.
So don’t be scared to deepen those relationships by offering more.
So for example, in my business, someone can start working with me on a one-to-one Level and then as they grow their team I can help train their team with sales, I can be part of the personal development, I can come in on a business and marketing level and be part of their planning for example.
So that’s offering more like I run a client-only retreat so that’s me deepening my relationships By making sure that I’m looking after and growing my current clients to capacity.
So getting them to spend more, obviously in a full integrity way, right?
You’re not just going to sell them something that they don’t actually need.
But I do see that people just aren’t offering their clients all the things they can be.
Check in if there’s some things that you can offer your current clients.
So deepen your relationships.
Don’t be afraid to do that in case you’re worried about, oh they’re just going to cancel altogether.
They’ll just simply say, hey no I don’t need that or I’m not ready for that next step.
So just be cool with that.
Number two is actually failing to resell to past buyers.
So if you’re someone who runs workshops and you don’t go back to the people who came to your workshops before and offering them a space again.
Now stay with me here because you might be like Nat they came to the workshop it’s going to be the same workshop why would they come again?
I don’t know about you but sometimes you’ll go to workshops and they’ll cover heaps of great stuff but your brain and where you were at in time for business was only in the capacity to take away one thing and there’s another nine things you can learn.
So sometimes we can invite past people back to events because there’s so much more to learn all the time.
And so we call this a little bit of a retention system where if you’ve got people who bought from you once Where can you go and resell back to them?
You know, so a little bit different than deepening your current relationships, you might have offers where it’s just one off, but coming back to resell to them before we try and go out and get new people, we really want to cycle back through our past buyers.
So currently one of my clients is using this strategy of going back to her past buyers to and she’s filling 40 to 50 percent of her workshops with past people right and so that momentum that happiness of being able to do that for her is creating this beautiful momentum of her wanting to go take
further action to bring new people through.
Okay, so number three, be direct.
This is the third mistake I see is someone might be really good at getting people, attracting people, generating leads, having an initial sales conversation.
So it might be on a phone call in person and the DMs.
But they’re not going back and literally asking for the sale.
Now, some of you have heard my waiter’s analogy where imagine your waiter doesn’t come back to the table and just leaves you sitting there, right?
It’s weird.
And, you know, when a waiter comes back and you say, hey, we’re not ready, that waiter doesn’t lie on the floor and cry and go, is it because I’m not enough?
You know, like it’s absurd.
They just simply come back.
And they’re very direct, they’re like, are you ready to order?
So this is one of the mistakes I see people making is they’re not being direct, because we think it’s being pushy, but it’s actually just part of the process you have to make.
So actually going back to a client and saying, would you like to get started?
Shall I book you Let’s, you know, let’s go ahead, which date would you like?
Or a simple, just that nine word email that you’ve all heard about is, hey Nat, would you still like to work with me to work on your sales systems?
Right, so we’re not bringing enough directness to our sales conversation and in the game we call it asking for the sale.
You’re literally not asking for the sale and what we’re trying to do with this question is get the yes or the no.
So you can, if you get the no, great.
You know, there’s ways in which to follow through with that and still give great customer service.
But we’re just trying to get a decision made so that you can carry on moving through.
So those are the three mistakes I see.
I wanted to add a download to this podcast today, the Sales Slap.
I’ve got a really cool sales bundle, sales and marketing bundle, and it has a whole lot of checklists of sales activities and marketing activities that you can be doing that are going to help you in some of these areas I see people making mistakes or not doing enough of.
So check out the show notes.
on the website and you’ll see down there I’ve got a link for the Sell With Confidence Bundle.
Get amongst it team, let’s get out there once again if you know that someone needs a sale slap and potentially they’re making these mistakes too.
Pass the love, share the love, catch you later.

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