Do you love helping others? - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


Do you love helping others?

Lucy loved helping others. 
So much so, she created a business. 
Opened a private clinic at home.

Welcomed the feeling of helping others…basked in her amazing space.
At the beginning, clients appeared and she didn’t have to market or advertise.
Biz and life were awesome.
Her amazing friends and family popped over…”Geez this biz life from home is awesome!’

Helping othersBut over time it slowly went quiet.
She got lonely.
Approaching each day not knowing what to do.
So she relied on her emails which had now stopped coming.
Her ‘should’ list got longer as did her social media scrolling time.
Eventually Lucy became overwhelmed and disheartened.
Her clear vision of having regular workshops, retreats and clients were fast becoming just a dream.

Lucy spent 3 months working with me and inside my membership programme.
She quickly changed how to approach her day- she felt back in the control seat.
No longer dreading to plan, she delighted in weekly actions, monthly goals and being in love with making money.
Journalling helped amplify her ‘why’, her vision and an a daily basis she could step into it.

The biggest turnaround for her was creating offers and programmes to meet the needs of her clients, her fear of re-booking changed to happiness of being of service and helping others.

By the time Christmas had rolled around she had had more bookings and sales than she ever had.

Lucy’s results came about by:

1. Imperfect “I am scared as fuck, but am going to it anyway” action.
2. Clearly understanding her ideal clients & making offers.
3. Learning to convert who was already in front of her.
4. Being seen and getting known to be the expert.

Lucy’s next phase…to decide where she wants to take the business. It will be around leverage and scale.
Do you resonate with where Lucy was at? Do you want to be where Lucy is now?

Let’s talk to see if you and I would be a great fit.  Winter School is about to kick off 1st August. Six weeks of in person classes where you will be karate chopping your BS, I will be holding you accountable for GSD (getting shit done) and taking imperfect action on your sales.

I have room for you. There only 4 of the 6 spots left. Email me for more information or book your call to see if you are ready for class!

Nat x

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