Allergic To Perfect Book Resources - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


Visualisation is a powerful tool babe! Choose a quiet place with no distractions, somewhere you are comfortable, and listen to this audio.


Thinking, becoming AND BEING that successful business woman… right freaking NOW!

Download the journalling worksheet here

Content Guide

How to create content quickly! Creating content is easy. It is your mindset and over thinkingness that makes it hard. Time to conquer this!

Download the worksheet HERE

Sales Funnels

How to create content quickly! Creating content is easy. It is your mindset and over thinkingness that makes it hard. Time to conquer this!

Download the worksheet HERE


You put your soul & courage into one post, one video… Don’t stop there. I have a list of things you can do with all this amazing stuff

Download the worksheet HERE

Six-Figure Roadmap

Join my Sell With Confidence Facebook Community

If you’d like to join my Facebook group and become a part of an online community of women who are committed to taking imperfection action to move themselves forward, then click here.

*Please note this group used to be called “Allergic to Perfect” so that’s what it’s called in the book, but it’s now called “Sell With Confidence – For Biz Owners Who Are Ready To Grow Their Sales!”


Working with me is an investment in you and your business. There’s no doubt about it.

I give you everything I’ve got, and I expect you to do the same. Because that’s the only way you’ll see a return on your investment. If you put in the work, you WILL get results.

What are you waiting for? I’m offering you a FREE 30 minute chat…



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