Evict your inner perfectionist & cut the comparison crap! - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


Evict your inner perfectionist & cut the comparison crap!

Comparing ourselves to others is human nature right? It’s just in our DNA. And it’s important to know what our competitors are up to! But the challenge is knowing whether it’s coming from a professional interest – or whether you’re just obsessing over what someone else is doing!! And if you’re a bit of a perfectionist, well you’re probably obsessing! So HOW do we learn to evict our inner perfectionist and cut the comparison crap?!

Hey amazing you. I’m super passionate about sharing this episode with you today, because I see SO many incredible women in biz comparing themselves to others, and letting their inner perfectionist drive their damn car! And comparing yourself is healthy when you’re doing it from a place of inspiration. BUT if you’re letting your inner perfectionist drive you to a place where you’re not acknowledging and receiving all of your wins and the hard work you’ve already done? Babe, all this does is suck your energy and make you unproductive. It’s such a waste of your time.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • Your website still needs tweaking, so you hold back on putting yourself “out there”.
  • You’ve been sitting on a product or program idea, buuut you just need to watch one more training video!
  • You worry you haven’t done enough work for a client, so you re-check it, and you do that extra work – for free.

Okay. Time to cut the comparison crap!

“Comparison with myself brings improvement, comparison with others brings discontent”.

Betty Jamie Chung

The Importance Of Receiving and How To Take Imperfect Action!

The problem with comparison is that you don’t actually learn to receive – receive compliments, receive money – and therefore you’re not going to receive the things you want because you’re not acknowledging what you already have!

Come and join me in this episode where I share:

  • How to recognise when you’re comparing yourself in an unproductive way.
  • Why comparing is such a waste of time and how to stop being a dick about it!
  • How to look for the evidence that you’re already doing amazing – and where you’re not receiving it.
  • How to evict your inner perfectionist, bring your energy back and turn up your own volume!
  • How breaking trust in yourself leads to confidence issues and why we need to take imperfect action!



(00:48) How to recognise comparing from an unhealthy space.

(04:18) Acknowledging and receiving.

(07:56) One big mistake female business owners make.

(11:38) Why MY inner perfectionist lost its shit (and how I gave it the middle finger!).

(15:36) How to take imperfect action!

Perfection brings greatness. And it’s your greatness that makes you unique! But when you actually recognise that things are never going to be completely perfect, and you strive for greatness instead – THAT’S when you’ll be driving your action from energetic confidence!

So! Are you ready to kick your inner perfectionist out the driving seat?? Let’s go!!

“If you break trust with yourself, then we not only have a perfection issue, we’ve got a confidence one.”

Nat Tolhopf


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