3 Things That Nearly Stopped Me Writing My Book! - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


3 Things That Nearly Stopped Me Writing My Book!

When we see other people in biz showing up consistently – reeling here, podcasting there, maybe they’ve even written a book! – we automatically think they’ve got all their ducks lined up. We think they’ve well and truly got their shit together! Well, I was reeling and podcasting, and I’d written a book… and I was planning my next one! So, why didn’t I feel like I had all MY ducks lined up? What were the 3 things that nearly stopped me writing my book??

Hey amazing you. Thank you so much for joining me today. You might notice I’m sharing more of my own stories in this series, because I really want to normalise for you a lot of these experiences that we encounter in biz – the self-doubting, the imposter feels, the procrastinating, the lining up of bloody ducks… I mean, the list just goes ON!! But I want you to know that these experiences are all totally normal – and actually it would be weird if we didn’t have them!!

So some of you may have heard of my first book, Allergic To Perfect, which you can check out here – Allergic To Perfect Book For Entrepreneurs | Natalie Tolhopf. But it was my second book that I launched last month, Become Unstoppable Become Unstoppable book for entrepreneurs by Business Coach Natalie Tolhopf, that very nearly didn’t happen – which is kind of ironic considering the title!! So, what DID happen?

  • I let myself fall victim to “keeping up with the Joneses”.
  • I pedestalled other people and didn’t think I was “enough”.
  • I attached myself to my business results and when something didn’t work, I thought there was something wrong with ME!

Well! It was time to give myself a damn good butt kick!! Time to BECOME UNSTOPPABLE!!!

“She was unstoppable. Not because she did not have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them.”

Beau Taplin

3 Things That Nearly Stopped Me Writing My Book!

So I’d love for you to join me in this episode where I share the 3 things that nearly stopped me writing my book, and how we can overcome these experiences in biz! 

  1. Second-guessing my opinions. When we pedestal others, we water ourselves down, and we end up questioning what we have to say. We fill ourselves with doubts and question our own beliefs. So, I really had to put trust in myself and back myself to finish my book and get it out there, because I realised what I have to say matters. What YOU have to say matters! We just have to back ourselves, back our own opinions, and put them out there in front of the right people!
  2. Are people over my work? When we’re constantly hearing ourselves in our biz, we can feel like we’re coming at ourselves from all directions! And we can just feel “over” all of our stuff. So I felt like everyone else was over my stuff too! But my new audience didn’t know all about me and my stories. And people who already knew me said how they loved seeing my progression from Allergic to Perfect to Become Unstoppable! People wanted to see me and hear more of what I had to say. So, we need to look at that positive feedback we receive and drive from that energy. We need to perform from that level… because that’s what’s expected of us!
  3. What if what I’m saying is wrong? From childhood we get told we’re wrong – at home, at school, at work. In fact I’ve got quite a few stories where I was left to feel like what I said or did was wrong – I was even told once I wasn’t a great writer! So, I had carried all this “old baggage” through to my business and had started to question my own work. But not everyone will believe what we say is right. There will always be someone with a different opinion to ours. And if we believe in what we say, and have evidence to back our opinions, then we’re not wrong! So we have to stay true to our own opinions and back ourselves!


(01:37) Making biz normal.

(04:45) Second-guessing my opinions.

(06:53) Are people over my work?

(10:11) Is what I’m saying wrong?

(13:40) Two questions for you.

I’d really love for you to take a moment to ask yourself these two questions today…

  • What if you could see yourself as capable, savvy, and just as much of an expert as the people you admire right now?
  • What would you be capable of if you knew you were already “enough”?

Babe, I truly believe you are already expert enough! But I know how damn hard it is to acknowledge this when we have restrictive thoughts holding us back. I don’t want this for you!  

So, are YOU ready to become unstoppable?? 

I’m with you all the way sister – let’s do it!!

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