Enoughness, pivoting and multiple income streams - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


Enoughness, pivoting and multiple income streams


Enoughness, shoulds, pivoting and multiple income streams with Amy McLean

This interview was a part of my NZ Business Women Series- Showcasing the ‘real’ highlight reels of NZ Women in Biz. I feel strongly that we NEED to see the relatability of others in our feeds, no longer do we want the whole…”Buy this one course and you will make $10k….”

We WANT the real, normal and inspiring highlight reels. So I hand picked some of my amazing clients to share their biz journey with us. In this episode Amy McLean talks about enoughness, shoulds, pivoting and about how her version of success includes multiple streams of income.

*Please note- Amy’s business has changed and evolved since this interview in 2020, but I’m resharing because it has so many gold nuggets in there!

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