TWO Quick Ways To Create Sales Momentum Every Day - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


TWO Quick Ways To Create Sales Momentum Every Day!

We all have those days when we want to hide under the bed covers and wait for the shitstorm to pass. When we’re thrown things that are out of our control, like someone bringing home a tummy bug just as the washing machine goes on a spin cycle holiday! And if we’re already in a shitty frame of mind, these unwelcome events can send us into our own bloody spin cycle! But by making a few changes to our early morning routine, not only can we handle the unexpected in a better frame of mind, but we can also keep our sales rolling!! Check out how with these TWO quick ways to create sales momentum every day…

Hey heyy crazy cats! I really hope you’re enjoying these Snack-Sized Sales Slaps With Nat! And am I gonna give you a wee slapping today babe!! BECAUSE… creating sales momentum is not hard to do!  It really is easier than you think. Once you create ANY form of momentum, you can start riding that momentum, like riding a wave. But damn, I see SO many of you amazing sales queens sabotaging your sales. It’s like you’re trying to sweep the ocean with a broom?!! You’re stopping the momentum from flowing. You’re stopping yourself from moving forward in your sales by getting all reactive and just really in a fucking down zone, when what you SHOULD be doing is grabbing your board and riding that wave babyyy!!! 

So, time to stop trying to sweep the ocean! Check out HOW with these two quick tips…

TWO Quick Ways To Create Sales Momentum Every Day!


Ready?? Grab ya board and let’s dive in!!

1. Warm up like an athlete to create sales momentum

Yeahhh I know, I know, I’m saying it again! BUT! This is all about your mindset, where you’re going to set yourself up for the day so you can step into being really responsive instead of really reactive. It’s so important! And here are a couple of things that can cause you to feel super reactive when you start your day. Babe, you need to stop doing them, like now!

  • Social Media Scrolling

This is a fast track to NOT owning the morning and getting triggerrrrred!!! Do you really want to know which beautiful tropical beach @misslalapinacolaadaa is sipping her cocktail from THIS time, after making “Six Figures in Six Months!!”? Do you?? No. You don’t. Stop it.

  • Inbox and List Checking

Unless you’re waiting for something important, skip this morning habit too! Emails are another reactive space where you can easily get triggered by other people – as is your list of all the things you haven’t done yet!! They’re a waste of your precious early morning productive time babe. Stop it.

The problem with being in a
reactive mindset is that we go and take dumb actions. We do things like tweak our website colours, or we fiddle with an email. We do time-wasting stuff that won’t set us up for a kick-arse powerful day! But by warming up like an athlete, you’re going to get “into the zone”. And whichever way you do this – whether it’s journaling, affirmations, a gym class, meditating, or throwing on your best party dress and dancing round the house – you’re going to get into a responsive state where you feel grounded and happy with who you are, and knowing that you ARE the expert at what you do! And then girlfriend, you’re going to take some very different action!…


2. Take action to create sales momentum!

So after warming up and getting into a responsive state, you can now go and take positive action that will shift your biz forward for the day. And no, I’m not talking about downloading that PDF or watching yet another training video! But after you’ve warmed up, I want you to think of five actions each day you can take to move your biz forward. And then I want you to bullet point those five things down, so your brain knows it’s going to fill it (and special thanks here to my friend Rebekah Holmes from Clutter Collect who has an awesome service – go and check her out at!). There are heaps of actions that you can take, but if you’ve been following me, you’ll know one of the things I’m gonna say is… FOLLOW UP! Where else can you generate leads from today? Where can you get in front of more people? Who can you collaborate with? Who can you delegate to today?! 



(01:00) Warming up like an athlete.

(03:08) Taking action!

By making these changes to your early morning routine, you’re going to create some epic sales momentum. So when you wake up the next day, you can grab that board and ride that sales momentum again, and again, and AGAIN! Yewwww!!!

Right! Ready to own your next morning?? You little ripper. Let’s goooo!!!

Nat xx

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