Learn How To Embrace Your Expertise And Celebrate The Shit Out of Yourself! - Natalie Tolhopf - Business Coach


Learn How To Embrace Your Expertise And Celebrate The Shit Out of Yourself!

Hey amazing you! I hope you enjoyed the first of my Snack-Sized Sales Slaps With Nat on my last episode?? I couldn’t snack-size myself on THIS episode though! Because this is such an important subject and it’s something I see ALL the time with the incredible, high-achieving, perfectionist women who I work with… WE ARE ABSOLUTELY CRAP AT CELEBRATING OUR WINS!! Like honestly, do we have to bring home a fucking Oscar???!!

So what I really want to do today is to give you some tools to help you recognize how truly bloody awesome you are… and why you should be celebrating the shit out of yourself!!

The idea for today’s episode actually came from this testimonial from one of my amazing clients. She has read (and re-read!) my book Become Unstoppable – and is actioning the hell out of this gem that I created and want to share with you today, my Wins Journal!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Nat. May has been a really challenging month with sickness and staffing issues, and ordinarily I would have a wee tantrum and I would’ve got stuck in a rut, which would’ve stuffed up June! Since I’ve been working with you on my mindset my mindset is shifting, and doing the Wins Journal has made me realise that May was actually the most epic month in my business despite these challenges – I’m already 4K in revenue over my target!! So thank you for pushing me. Thank you for your Become Unstoppable book, which is now a highlighted mess of a book but one that is well read! And thank you for the Wins Journal prompts!”

Wow! How freakin epic is that?!! By switching her brain from focusing on the negative shit that happened in May to recognizing and celebrating the wins instead, my client created a positive mindset shift so she could rock into June like a boss! She totally became… a WIN SEEKER!!

Babe! Are you ready to become a Win Seeker too??
Hell to the yes! Let’s do it!!

It’s about strengthening the insurmountable evidence around you and for you for bloody well looking at the insurmountable evidence and seeing yourself as a winner. It’s about feeding your soul and lifting your heart and bringing some more lightness to your business.”
Nat Tolhopf


Learn how to embrace your expertise and celebrate the shit out of yourself!

In this episode of my Sell With Confidence podcast I’m sharing tools from my Wins Journal that I really, REALLY want you to start putting into action! Because if you keep questioning your expertise and not getting out there in front of enough people, you’re forever going to keep letting yourself down in biz. And we don’t bloody want that do we?!

Ready? Let’s get into it – or you can grab the PDF here…

1. Gratitude. I know, I know, you’re eye-rolling aren’t you?! BUT ARE YOU DOING IT?? Gratitude is scientifically proven to change your brain and how it lights up! What are you grateful for? Where can you be fully present to where you are at and for what you have? Really give this some showtime!

2. Connecting Into Your Why. If you don’t connect into your why and the reason you’re doing this biz, you can get really lost. You start to question your expertise – Has this all been said before? Is there even room for me?

  • A journalling prompt I asked myself every day for a year was “Why do my prospective clients need my services?” This kept reminding me of two things:
  • To get in their head and understand exactly what their problems were.
    That I knew how to solve those problems, and that I was pretty damn good at it!!

3. Where Are You Winning? Find the evidence of where you’re winning. What have you accomplished? This could be projects you’ve finished, training you’ve completed, new skills you’ve learnt, risks you’ve taken.

An exercise I do with my client group every fortnight is we have 5 minutes to come up with 10 wins. And I seriously have to put myself on mute so I can bitch and moan in private! Because I still find this hard EVERY time!! But it helps me find the evidence of where I’m winning, not just this month or this week, but THIS DAY. And this is where I want the Wins Journal to take you – to celebrate ALL your wins, not just the big ones!

4. Receiving. I call this client love. Gather and receive all your evidence of client love like testimonials, beautiful messages, client wins – and give them the love they deserve back! If people have shared with you that they think you’re amazing, then bloody well believe it!! Because it needs to be an energy exchange, like a full circle. And if you don’t acknowledge your client love and fully receive it, babe you’re actually dismissing it. You’re not giving it its full power. And that’s sooo not cool. So, finish that beautiful “ring of love” okay?!

(00:53) Seeing yourself as a winner.
(02:15) Client testimonial.
(04:05) Strengthening your “expert enough” muscle.
(06:38) Gratitude.
(07:40) Connecting into your why.
(09:39) Where are you winning?
(11:18) Receiving client love.

You don’t need another strategy.
You don’t need to wait for a BIG win before you celebrate!!
YOU ARE ALREADY AN EXPERT!! Girl, there’s nothing else for you to learn except how to embrace and be more of yourself. Not DO more, but BE more!
And if you can’t already see how damn incredible you are, I’m always here to give you a loving kick in the pants. So hit me up!

Nat xx

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