Finding Business Opportunities You Didn’t Know Were There
Do you want to know one of my pet peeves? It’s when I’ve spent hours working on a crossword or jigsaw puzzle, or scouring the pages of a “Where’s...
Do you want to know one of my pet peeves? It’s when I’ve spent hours working on a crossword or jigsaw puzzle, or scouring the pages of a “Where’s...
You love your business, you love helping people, you love making money doing what you enjoy, but there’s one thing holding you back… You really really don’t love selling....
We often hear about how hard it is to set up and run a business. Tales of failed businesses pile up, and the struggle of the entrepreneur is often...
When you set up your own business, you probably preoccupied yourself with setting up a website, spent far too long coming up with the perfect logo, and read a...
There are so many awesome things about living in today’s fast-paced world. You can get a delicious meal delivered to your doorstep in less than an hour, Google will...
Everyone has a different view of what success is. Some want to wind up wildly famous and be chased by adoring fans through the supermarket. Others believe success is...
How are those New Year’s Resolutions working out for you so far, babe? Did you make it past the first week? If so, you are doing better than the...
Do you ever wish that you could be like the Dalai Lama – eternally peaceful, never shaken, with a constant smile of joy on your face? Instead, you struggle...
I see you, babe – sitting in your office, gazing out the window at the world going by, wishing you had someone there with you. Someone to bounce ideas...
How’s your business going, babe? Is it cruising along like a race-ready Holden (or Ford, if you prefer), bunny hopping like an ’80s hatchback, or stuck in the garage...
When you are running a business, it can feel like you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions at once. There is the work that you love to do...
If there’s one thing you know you can rely on me to do, it’s to tell it like it is – no bullshit. And today’s no different, chick! If...
Setting up and growing your own business is bloody awesome. Except when it isn’t. There are days when everything just flows and you feel like an invincible badass. But...
When you see other people in your niche doing amazing things and reaping the benefits of their hard work, do you feel inspired or defeated? Your answer is the...
We humans come with a built-in comparison functionality. From a young age, we are continually sussing out the people around us and measuring ourselves against them. Who’s taller, stronger,...
Some people crawl out of their skin around spiders, others get the jitters from heights, and some people even flee from beautiful butterflies! We all have things in life...
By the time we are adults, we’re pretty good at hearing – and respecting – the word “No.” It’s something well-behaved children are taught to grasp at a young...
I’ve got some good and bad news for you: nobody ever got to (and stayed at) the top of their game by fluke or half-assed effort. Sure, there’s the...
Consistency doesn’t sound very “sexy,” does it? It’s not quite as inspiring as grit, dedication, genius, or natural talent. Actually, it’s kind of like when someone calls you reliable...
It’s time for some real talk about one of the most important relationships in your life. Nope, not the relationship with your partner, your kids or your parents –...
Self-doubt is a tricky little critter. It can gnaw away at your confidence, sabotage your amazing ideas, and hold you and your business back. It often does these things...
Do you ever feel like everything is just too damn hard? Like you just don’t have the energy even to know where to begin… well… anything? Life’s been a...
You might have noticed I’m a massive fan of mindset. It’s one of my favourite things to talk about. That’s because mindsets are not set at all. Sure, they...
Procrastination is a giant pain in the ass. It stops us from doing the things we know we should do – even the things we say we want to...
How do you sell books when you don’t have them in your hands? What about hosting a launch party that no one can attend? Well, you roll with it...
Momentum is powerful. Once you build it, you want to maintain it. The technical definition of momentum (as described by the Merriam-Webster dictionary) is: “strength or force gained by...
Women are multi-tasking, self-sufficient powerhouses that get shit done, and we are capable of so much more than we even know. I’ll be the first person to tell you...
As businesswomen, we all know too well that running a business can be bloody complicated. But not everything has to be hard slog! If something comes onto your radar...
Ladies – I have got news for you… everyone is capable of being confident. Like, Beyonce-level confidence. You better believe it! You don’t have to be born with some...
Stop Getting In Your Own Way! Today is the day! No more messing around, making excuses, and pretending you don’t know what is holding you back. It’s time to...
Most women in business I work with are overwhelmed by their lack of results. This used to be me. Tweeting this (or do I even need too??) Facebooking that,...
What business actions have you taken this month and what have you got planned for next month? I am not known for Imperfect Action because I sit back and...
Sick of not knowing what you are doing? Time for a mid-year business review. Crikey it’s the middle of the year! It isn’t too late to hit your business...
That stack of ideas you have…You know the ones. They loop in your head. Non stop. Rattling around getting you all cloudy. You hit Monday morning and you feel...
Lucy loved helping others. So much so, she created a business. Opened a private clinic at home. Welcomed the feeling of helping others…basked in her amazing space. At the...
Have you received a review or testimonial lately? Want to make that review go further…Of course you do! Firstly remember that not everyone sees your stuff. I know you...
It was Christmas Eve 2015 and I had just finished shifting a 10-story campus to a new premise across town. I had a 2 year old, a 6 year...
Yes you have been called over the top! That is why you kept reading! When you first start out in biz you have a tendency to overwhelm prospective and...
Sometimes on a Monday my brain is mush from the weekend. I call it Mondayitis. It’s when my brain has been so busy with family and kid wrangling that...
We all know what to do when we want to lose weight or get fit. We have the foundational knowledge to get started. Move more & eat more...
Sales requires many “No thank you’s” and you Girlfriend, need to detach from it personally. Back in 2005 my husband and I sold all our stuff and moved to...
Meet Amanda ( A client of mine!) Amanda is a creative. Her hobby was fast becoming in demand. She was a genuine clever cookie and so talented. Converting her...
We’ve all heard the phrase ‘‘fake it ‘til you make it”. Well, that doesn’t sit well with me when talking about business goals. You can’t fake success when big...
Do you remember last Christmas when you told yourself “Next year I will be prepared in my business” ? The holiday season is upon us but that’s no reason...
Tough questions need tough answers. There is always a time that someone needs to aim it straight for you. To hold you in that space. This is part of...
We can all agree that to make it to the Olympics as an athlete, you must be dedicated. I wonder if we would agree, that the same disciplines are...
I remember when I first heard about alignment. And for me, it is a bit like success. Stay with me while I create the picture. Success can be created...
Do you have a history of giving up too early? Telling everyone about your 1000 ideas, projects and plans…And none of them eventuate until this one. This is it...
Someone said to me once….Trust in the process. Trust that what you are doing will bring you what you desire. Now this feels amazing to hear. And when you...
I am consistent at forgetting birthdays. Like every year without fail I will have to ask my Mum…”When is Dads birthday?” Every year I am consistent! But as we...
Wanting to grow your business? Well you need to ask yourself this question…. How committed are you? Sometimes we think we are committed…Then shit goes wrong… “I am out!”...
[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid”][vc_column_text]What are the right things to do in business? How do you even...
Not in your eyes. Not for a while gorgeous. We are so programmed with the stereo typed facade of what we are to look like, and how we show...
[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default”][vc_column_text]I am not going to lie, the true cost of showing up in business is at...
The modern business woman is afraid to sell. In case they come across as *gasp just wanting your money! Or being too pushy. There is this whole wave of...
[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″ shape_divider_position=”bottom”][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ column_shadow=”none” column_border_radius=”none” width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default” column_border_width=”none” column_border_style=”solid”][vc_column_text] You don’t own that quote. You don’t own that catch...
If you aren’t a Suits addict, then none of what I have to say will make any sense! It is the New York skyline at night that I find...
Are you living with some house mates, that you did not invite to stay? Raise your hand if: a) Fear has moved into the spare bedroom! BUT b) Your...
Welcome to The Head Case. This is a monthly showcase where my clients will share their journey. It is raw, real and authentic. To show you that you are...
What is it about us female professionals and how we keep on thinking that the next programme or sign up will be THE magic bullet? At what stage in...
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